只搜集 cc0 或是沒有任何版權,也就是連需要姓名標示的也不收集
https://www.irasutoya.com/ 日本風可愛人物、物品
https://www.kisscc0.com/ 注意看每個照片的許可證,一般都可以使用。 Free for personal and commercial use. Attribution is not required
https://unsplash.com/ All photos can be downloaded and used for free. Commercial and non-commercial purposes. No permission needed (though attribution is appreciated!).
https://jeshoots.com/ 部分需要付費,請注意照片的 LICENSE
https://www.pexels.com/zh-tw/ Pexels 上的所有相片和影片均可免費使用。 無需註明引用來源。 不硬性規定必須註明攝影師姓名或 Pexels 等出處,但務必心懷感激。 你可以修改取自 Pexels 的相片和影片。歡迎發揮創意盡情編輯。
https://gratisography.com/ You may use Gratisography pictures as you please for both personal and commercial projects. You can adapt and modify the images and get paid for work that incorporates the pictures.
https://magdeleine.co/license/cc0/ 找標記 cc0 的,不要找要標記的
https://cc0.wfublog.com/ cc0 免費圖庫搜尋引擎
https://picography.co/ All photos on Picography come with a CC0 license
https://shotstash.com/ ShotStash.com photographs come with a CC0 license, meaning they are offered free for both personal and commercial use without attribution or limitations.
https://pixabay.com/ Use Content for free Use Content without having to attribute the author (although giving credit is always appreciated by our community!)
https://realisticshots.com/ All photos published on Realistic Shots are licensed under Creative Commons Zero
https://freeforcommercialuse.net/ Currently available: 3058 royalty free images for commercial use (15.01.2023)
https://focastock.com/ Use them in your website, themes, templates, projects, print materials, social posts, and more. CC0 license.
https://negativespace.co/ For personal or commercial use, all of our CC0 licensed images are completely free to use!
https://libreshot.com/ Welcome to LibreShot Free Stock Photo. I'm Martin and you can download my photos for free. Free for commercial use. No watermark. No attribution. Guaranteed origin
https://cc0.cn/ cc0 搜尋引擎
https://colorhub.me/search?color=859ca0 在作品上适用该文本的人已经将作品 贡献 至公共领域,放弃所有他/她在全世界范围内基于版权法对作品享有的权利至法律允许的范围,包括所有类似和邻接权利。
https://www.shigureni.com/ 可愛日系線條插畫
https://enpitsu-sozai.com/ 寫實日系線條插畫
https://control.rocks/?ref=designresourc.es 108 Free Personal & Commercial License
https://nappy.co/ 黑與棕色皮膚人種的照片
https://uifaces.co/ 利用 OPEN AI 做的假大頭照
https://startupstockphotos.com/ All photos are CC0
https://freephoto.bizutart.com/ 個人、企業・商用Webサイト・印刷等で全て無料で使用できます。
https://cupcake.nilssonlee.se/ A photographer's treat, by Jonas Wimmerström. Free (do what ever you want) photos.
https://moveast.me/ This is a journey of a Portuguese guy moving that decided that every photo should be used for free. Help yourselves and use them wherever you want (CC0)
https://littlevisuals.co/ As his family, we have ensured that all of the images will remain available and free for commercial use.
https://jaymantri.com/ free pics. do anything (CC0). make magic.
https://travelcoffeebook.com/ Sharing beautiful travel moments. All photos are listed under cc0. That means you can do whatever you want with them. Subscribe or download all images.
https://www.tokyo-date.net/ 東京街頭風景
https://freenaturestock.com/ Royalty-free CC0 nature stock photos, videos, and vectors. Use them however you want.
Last updated